térmosét Sanyawaan

bisi suksés

Lokasi proyék: Jepang, Cina, Turki, Mexico, Thailand, jsb
proyék waktos: 2003- 2019
produk utama Palanggan urang: Thermosetting bahan kayaning plastik phenolic molding, bubuk Bakelite, résin jenuh na palastik bahan sealing
mesin XINDA: 3-hiber Co-kneader sarta clamshell laras Kembar screw Extruder


Bubuka proyék nu

ROM 2003 nepi 2019, customer a dibeuli a Co-kneader mun ngahasilkeun thermosetting bahan kayaning sanyawa molding phenolic, nu robah téhnologi ngolah tina ngagiling kabuka tradisional jeung greatly ningkat kuatna kinerja produk. Dina waktu nu sarua, gelar luhur ti automation of Co-kneader ningkat lingkungan produksi workshop. Kapasitas per garis compounding misalna bisa ngahontal 3,000-10,000 ton / taun. Xinda geus jadi supplier pangbadagna thermosetting bahan parabot manufaktur di Cina.

Eupan Balik customer sarta Review

1.With téknologi campur kode unik tina geser lemah sareng dispersi tinggi, mesin akurat bisa ngadalikeun hawa tina materi, pinuh bubarkeun jeung gaul, jeung panas gesekan low. Éta ogé bisa ngadalikeun hawa tina aci jeung ménta suhu solusi lamun ngahasilkeun phenolic molding sanyawa panas-sénsitip, anu akurat bisa ngadalikeun hawa bahan. Sanggeus pinuh dispersi jeung Pergaulan, produk nu boga prestasi alus teuing jeung homogénitas alus jeung stabilitas.
2. The reciprocating and kneading machine(Co-kneader)and Clamshell Twin Screw Extruder has a high degree of automation in production. After the components such as phenolic resin, filler, auxiliary agent and cross-linking agent are premixed, the closed feeding mode makes the production environment of the workshop clean and the working environment of the workers greatly improved, which significantly reduces the labor intensity of the workers.


3. Tilu-hiber mesin reciprocating atanapi clamshell kembar screw boga produktivitas tinggi na pamakéan énérgi low, anu tiasa nyata ngurangan pamakéan énérgi dibandingkeun kalawan tradisional alat-alat produksi smelting muka.
4. The upper-stage reciprocating machine or twin screw extruder adopts a clamshell barrel design. When formulas change or the machine needs maintenance, it can be quickly opened and cleaned, which shortens the time of conversion and maintenance.



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