Thermoset mankhwala


Project malo: Japan, China, Turkey, Mexico, Thailand, etc
Project nthawi: 2003- 2019
Makasitomala yaikulu mankhwala: Thermosetting zipangizo monga akamaumba mapulasitiki phenolic, Bakelite ufa, utomoni unsaturated ndi pulasitiki kusindikiza zipangizo
makina XINDA: 3-ndege Co-kneader ndipo Clamshell mbiya Didimo kagwere Extruder


Chiyambi cha polojekiti

Rom 2003 2019, kasitomala anagula Co-kneader kuti zokolola thermosetting zipangizo monga mankhwala phenolic akamaumba, lomwe linasintha luso processing wa miyambo mphero poyera ndi kwambiri bwino mtendere wa ntchito mankhwala. Pa nthawi yomweyo, mkulu mlingo wa zokha wa Co-kneader bwino malo ogwirira kupanga. Kukhoza pa amenewa Kuwonjezera pa vuto mzere angafikire matani 3,000-10,000 / chaka. Xinda wakhala katundu waukulu wa thermosetting zipangizo zotsimikizira zida China.

Makasitomala a Feedback ndi Review

1.With wapadera luso kusanganikirana kukameta ubweya otsika ndi mkulu kupezeka, makina molondola kulamulira kutentha kwa nkhaniyo, kwathunthu kumwazikana ndi kusakaniza ndi kutentha otsika kukhululukirana. Komanso akhoza kuchepetsa kutentha kwa kutsinde ndi kupeza kutentha kwa vutolo amabala phenolic kuumba mankhwala kutentha tcheru, amene angathe molondola kulamulira kutentha zakuthupi. Pambuyo kupezeka kwathunthu ndi kusakaniza, mankhwala ali ntchito kwambiri ndi homogeneity wabwino ndi wokhazikika.
2. The reciprocating and kneading machine(Co-kneader)and Clamshell Twin Screw Extruder has a high degree of automation in production. After the components such as phenolic resin, filler, auxiliary agent and cross-linking agent are premixed, the closed feeding mode makes the production environment of the workshop clean and the working environment of the workers greatly improved, which significantly reduces the labor intensity of the workers.


3. Zitatu ndege reciprocating makina kapena Clamshell amapasa wononga ali zokolola mkulu ndi mowa wochepa mphamvu, amene angathe kuchepetsa kwambiri mowa mphamvu poyerekeza ndi zida za makolo lotseguka yadothi kupanga.
4. The upper-stage reciprocating machine or twin screw extruder adopts a clamshell barrel design. When formulas change or the machine needs maintenance, it can be quickly opened and cleaned, which shortens the time of conversion and maintenance.



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