Metal Bubuk Sanyawaan mim

bisi suksés

Proyék lokasi: Singapura
proyék waktos: 2016-2017
produk Palanggan urang utama: Metal suntik molding, keramik suntik molding produk na molds precision patali
mesin XINDA: PSHJ-50 clamshell Kembar screw Extruder na 3-penerbangan Co- kneader SJW-70


Bubuka proyék nu

Dina 2015, tempo yén ko-kneader ogé boga aplikasi dina bubuk logam granulation, nasabah dikirim bahan baku dites on mesin kami dina awal 2016, sarta anjeunna rada wareg ku hasil uji. Saatos sababaraha rounds of badami, eta ieu tungtungna ditangtukeun yén Xinda bakal nyadiakeun proyek turnkey sadar produksi kontinyu tina nyoco sistim kana mesin bungkusan produk.
In 2017,since the feedback on Xinda equipment is great,the customer bought a PSHJ-50 extruder for ceramic powder granulation.

Eupan Balik customer sarta Review

1. Dibandingkeun jeung granules ti aslina kembar screw extruder, kualitas partikel dihasilkeun Co-kneader téh leuwih stabil sarta kinerja produk sanggeus suntik molding téh hadé. Saatos analisis, éta alatan bubuk stainless steel, résin pe, sarta aditif cair bisa pinuh dispersed tur dicampurkeun dina mesin reciprocating, sarta suhu bahan kasebut akurat dikawasa.
2. The low efficiency mode of manual premix is changed after automatic feeding system and weightless grouping metering system are configured to the compound machine. At the same time, the automatic continuous production after one-key setting formula is realized, which saves labor cost and improves production efficiency.
3.Co-kneader, the first stage of the stainless steel powder compounding line, adopts Clamshell barrel design, which is convenient for quick opening and cleaning. The base of twin screw extruder on second stage is equipped with a guide rail, which can be quickly separated from the upper stage during maintenance, which is convenient to operate and saves labor.
4. Twin screw extruder adopts clamshell barrel design. When changing formulas or maintenance, it can be quickly opened and cleaned, which shortens the time of conversion and maintenance.


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