Chuma Poda Maungano MIM


Mradi mahali: Singapore
Project wakati: 2016-2017
mteja bidhaa kuu: Metal sindano ukingo, kauri bidhaa sindano ukingo na molds kuhusiana usahihi
XINDA mashine: PSHJ-50 clamshell Twin screw extruder na 3-ndege Co- kneader SJW-70


Kuanzishwa kwa mradi

Katika 2015, kwa kuzingatia kwamba ushirikiano kneader pia ina maombi katika chuma poda chembechembe, mteja kutumwa malighafi majaribio kwenye mashine zetu katika mwanzo wa 2016, na alikuwa kabisa kuridhika na matokeo ya mtihani. Baada ya raundi kadhaa ya majadiliano, ilikuwa hatimaye kuamua kwamba Xinda itatoa mradi turnkey kutambua uzalishaji endelevu na kulisha mifumo ya mashine ya ufungaji wa bidhaa.
In 2017,since the feedback on Xinda equipment is great,the customer bought a PSHJ-50 extruder for ceramic powder granulation.

Mteja Maoni na Tathmini

1. Ikilinganishwa na CHEMBE ya awali extruder pacha screw, ubora wa chembe zinazozalishwa na Co-kneader ni zaidi imara na utendaji wa bidhaa baada ya ukingo sindano ni bora zaidi. Baada ya uchambuzi, bila shaka kwa chuma cha pua unga, resin PE, na viungio maji zinaweza kuhifadhiwa kutawanywa na kuchanganywa kwenye mashine za kubadilishana, na joto ya vifaa ni usahihi kudhibitiwa.
2. The low efficiency mode of manual premix is changed after automatic feeding system and weightless grouping metering system are configured to the compound machine. At the same time, the automatic continuous production after one-key setting formula is realized, which saves labor cost and improves production efficiency.
3.Co-kneader, the first stage of the stainless steel powder compounding line, adopts Clamshell barrel design, which is convenient for quick opening and cleaning. The base of twin screw extruder on second stage is equipped with a guide rail, which can be quickly separated from the upper stage during maintenance, which is convenient to operate and saves labor.
4. Twin screw extruder adopts clamshell barrel design. When changing formulas or maintenance, it can be quickly opened and cleaned, which shortens the time of conversion and maintenance.


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